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Your Cisco Career Certification Program

As technology evolves, so does the demand for highly trained networking experts. To meet this demand and increase the number of experts on today's internetworking technologies, PSCS in conjunction with Global Knowledge is proud to offer Your Cisco Career Certification Program.

Building upon our highly successful Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE) preparation program - NetGun - Global Knowledge Cisco Career Certification Program enables you to be certified by Cisco's largest worldwide training partner at various technical proficiency levels.

Cisco Career Certifications focus on both Routing & Switching across the disciplines of network design and network support to help you master the Internet. Students have the opportunity to advance through either discipline and achieve certifications toward obtaining CCIE status.

The certifications available are:

Click the Cisco Certification Track above to see details.

Complete our Enquiry Form for more information.

See our Adelaide's Global Knowledge Schedule.

See our Perth's Global Knowledge Schedule.

See our Melbourne's Global Knowledge Schedule.

See our Sydney's Global Knowledge Schedule.

See our Brisbane's Global Knowledge Schedule.

See our Canberra's Global Knowledge Schedule.

See our NetGun#13 Australia Schedule.

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