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PSCS presents Real-time video solutions for today's networks.
IP/TV is a new kind of communications software that lets you transmit real-time full motion video simultaneously to thousands of people at their desks, improving communications all around.
IP/TV lets your organisation setup its own internal "TV network" accessible to hundreds of people over your LAN or WAN, - extending the reach to every networked user in your organisation.
Just think of the possibilities -

and more.
  Ideal Applications for IP/TV:
  Corporate & Product Training

Management Updates
  Corporate Communications
Process & Surveillance Monitoring
  News and Event Broadcasting
  Internet MBONE Programs
  Distance Learning
  TV to the Desktop

What is IP/TV, exactly?
IP/TV is a new advancement in client-server software that broadcasts the highest quality video to Windows users over today's data networks. It delivers live or pre-recorded digital video throughout your enterprise, capturing and transmitting programs from a variety of sources. Because IP/TV is accessible not to just a few, but to all networked PC users, it's ideal for large scale business communications, education on line and other broad implemetations of communications.
IP/TV permits scheduling of broadcast programs according to the needs of both you and your audience. Viewers can choose from a listing they can see right on their monitors.
IP/TV provides its tremendous reach economically, without sacrificing quality. This is possible due to the bandwidth-efficient transmission technology, IP multicasting.
IP/TV supports the standard Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) format for high quality, full-motion video, in addition to a variety of other compression/decompression (CODEC) standards to ensure optimal picture quality depending on your specific application and bandwidth availability.
Apart from getting unparalleled reach, you get a picture quality previously unattainable in network desktop video. Gone are the distracting, jerky out-of-sync video, so common to Web based video.
IP/TV gives you less of the things that cost you most - less instructors to pay, less printed materials to update and circulate, fewer classrooms to rent and fewer people travelling.
IP/TV is also more cost-efficient than alternative business video technologies. No viewing rooms, special harware additions, or costly videotape duplication and distribution are required. Your intranet and IP/TV software are all you need.

See What's possible with your IP/TV

Employee Training. [top]
Ongoing education and training are now considered a strategic necessity, vital to corporate success and career advancement. They keep skills honed, knowledge current and workers competative in a technologically advanced global economy.
But sending employees to training centres is expensive - not to mention the fact they have to stop what they are working on to travel. In contrast, IP/TV combines work with learning so there is no need to create separate environments for both.
IP/TV can help you achieve corporate-wide skills development in a hurry, without taking personnel away from assignments and deadlines or spending your entire budget on travel expenses. In fact, there is no faster way to transfer business knowledge and skills to so many people at such a small cost.
For any organization, IP/TV streamlines delivery of training, empowering your workforce with a common knowledge base of essentail company information, technical training or interpersonal skills.

Distance Learning. [top]
When you use IP/TV, you are giving your staff access to the highest quality education available. In fact, anyone in your organization can learn from experts around the world - without leaving the office. IP/TV brings all the excitement and immediacy of seminars or conferences directly to the students' desktop with live satellite, cable or Internet-delivered courses.
From business basics and future technology trends to social shifts, IP/TV delivers live or prerecorded educational programming, ensuring that everyone gets the same opportunity to learn from the best.
Universities and other higher education providers can also benefit from IP/TV, reaching beyond the campus walls to offer telecourses to network-based students on a fee or credit basis.
With features like IP/TV's Question Manager, the viewers can ask questions from the instructors online - making IP/TV a valuable tool for learning.

Broadcast TV to the Desktop. [top]
To maintain success in today's competative marketplace requires swift reaction to change. With IP/TV, it is easy and economical to keep employees abreast of the latest events affecting their jobs.
IP/TV lets knwoledge workers that need up-to-the-minute news receive time sensitive information directly at their desktops. You can use IP/TV to capture stock market information, worlds news, press conferences and briefings, cable or network TV feed.
You can also integrate public programming with corporate programming and present it to viewers in a single on-screen listing.

Corporate Communications. [top]
Get all your employees on the same page!
Think about your organization for a moment: how effective is it in communicating corporate direction, philosphy, or policies to employees worldwide or interstate? Is everyone getting consistent information?
With IP/TV, corporate communications are only mouse click away from any given employee. Use it to deliver executive briefings, CEO briefings, operations updates, new benefits packages, safety tips, compliance procedures or any information employees must know to stay well-informed and on-track. All without having to attend other locations or wade through a set of company binders.
IP/TV is indespensable for programming such starting a retirement fund or Using Windows 95. This type of information can be broadcast regularly to ensure that everyone get the information they need, at a time that work for them.


For more product information, contact PSCS .

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