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Want to extend your LAN up to 1500 feet?

Want to add the warehouse across the road, or the ISP down the block, to your LAN without digging up the countryside?

And all of this at full 10Mbs over a single telephone grade UTP?

PSCS can supply the XL1500 and XL600 series of Ethernet repeaters, manufactured by Tut Systems in the USA. These black box repeaters allow transmission of network traffic at full 10Mbps over a single ordinary telephone grade twisted pair up to 1500 feet for XL1500's, and up to 600 feet for XL600's.

The XL boxes can represent a major saving over setting up a fibre optic link, (especially if you have to thrust a pipe under concrete or tarmac) and are considerably easier to relocate if one "end" moves location. They are ideal for schools, campuses and similar sites with dispersed structures housing nodes of the same LAN.

Are you running UTP, and want to add a node beyond 100 metres?

A pair of XL600's will add 180 metres to the reach of your LAN.

XL1500's range from $2500 to $7000, depending on the number and type of ports needed.

If you would like to know more about Tut Ethernet repeaters, contact PSCS to discuss your specific needs.

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