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You are going to get a virus. Count on it. When you do, you want your antivirus software to detect it, tell you that it has done so, and allow you to remove the virus safely.
Viruses are a fact of life for the computer industry: they are continuing to increase at an alarming rate and there is no reason to believe that they will ever be totally eradicated. To ensure that your system is completely clean, it is essential to protect standalone PCs, workstations and file servers.

VET Icon

VET : PC/Workstation Protection

VET is not only one of the fastest virus scanners on the market, it is also one of the most effective. Once an infected file has been cleaned, VET writes the file back to the hard disk and re-checks it. VET can handle multiple virus infections with ease and is the only product to effectively disable viruses in memory. Users can be assured that VET will keep working until it is satisfied that all files are completely clean.

On installation, VET creates a user-unique VET Reference Disk -- a feature which has proved invaluable for many users. The VET Reference Disk keeps copies of information which is essential to the operation of your PC (eg: the CMOS setup, partition information, boot sectors etc): many PC users do not keep copies of these programs -- VET does it for you.

When a virus is detected, VET offers you the option of keeping a log of the clean-up procedure. The log can be written to any drive accessible to the PC and this allows you to trace virus infections and prevent recurrences.

If you are unlucky enough to get a previously unknown virus on your PC, you can send a sample to Cybec: Cybec guarantees a solution to new viruses within 48 hours of receiving an infected file.

VET is a total solution to viruses: updates are included as part of the package, as is telephone support, for the duration of the licence.

VET is also available for Network Servers such as Windows NT and NetWare

InVircible Icon

InVircible was written by Zvi Netiv from Netz Computing of Israel. Zvi worked for a number of years with the Israeli airforce's electronic warfare department (it is a little known but interesting fact that a high proportion of the world's early computer viruses originate from Israel, including the pervasive Jerusalem virus). Naturally, the integrity of its computer systems is a matter of great importance to any military organisation, let alone the security concious Israelis.
How can InVircible can protect your PC or PC LAN from computer viruses?
InVircible works on a number of principles which computer viruses must adhere to in order to replicate successfully.
The beauty of Invircible is that it consists of multiple counter measures. In order for a virus to evade InVircible it must duck not one but all counter measures.
Invircible is an anti virus tool kit. The counter measures used by InVircible include:
1. Tunnelling - Reading directly from the hard disk and comparing the results to what the operating system reports. (This detects stealth viruses)
2. Baiting - Launching small program files in to memory and checking to see whether they get modified.
3. Integrity checking - Creating databases of programs and system files, recording enough information (66 bytes) to check and if necessary recover the file to it's former state.
4. Piggyback check - When InVircible checks program files on a disk it goes back every 5th file to check that a virus isn't modifying programs behind it.
5. Correlation. If InVircible finds virus activity it will create a sample of the virus. This can then be used to check which other programs are infected and where the virus came from.
6. Scanning. Not recommended but it does come with a basic scanner.
InVircible is fast because it only checks the beginning and end of each file, reducing the number of disk accesses needed to check a machine. This equates to reduced user grumpiness. It is compact, the program and help files are around 500K total. Invircible isn't a TSR and as such dosn't use valuable memory. It dosn't rely on checking diskettes. The hypertext Help is friendly and complete.
Just as important as detecting viruses is removing them. InVircible can safely restore infected programs to their original state. The only input required from the user an answer to the prompt Restore Yes/No?.
Invircible won't stop a virus getting on to your PC. Nothing short completely isolating your computer and writing your own software will do that. But it will give you early warning and the ability to painlessly remove the offending code.

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